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Setting financial objective that you will actually stick to


If there is one class that we all need in school, it’s Personal Finance 101. Like, IRP5 what? How do I budget? Where can I invest in things? And why does SARS want all my money? The world runs on financial objectives but learning how to set them is the hard part.

Feast your eyes on the TedTalk by Alexa von Tobel that you always needed but never had. Tobel is the founder and CEO of is the leading personal finance and lifestyle website that brings financial literacy to women (girl power!)

This video was made three years before she sold her company for millions of dollars!

In this captivating TedTalk, Alexa gives us some slick advice on setting those important money goals.

These are the five points she outlines in her talk:

  1. Follow a budget.
  2. Have a rainy-day savings account.
  3. Strive to be debt-free; pay off everything you can.
  4. Go all Harvey Spector with your salary and negotiate the best deal.
  5. Save for retirement.
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