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How to manage your side hustle while studying #NaturalBornHustler

My Hustle
My Hustle

We are young, driven and ready to do whatever it takes to be successful! We live in a time of unlimited potential, and we are not going to let our share of the cake go to waste. From app developers, to freelance writers, business consultants, creative producers and startup founders, never before have we experienced such an epic growth in the number of young entrepreneurs who have begun working for themselves. That is not even the most impressive part; many of these self-made side hustlers do it all while studying! 

Now let’s be honest, dedicating time and energy to any business venture is a job all on its own. It takes commitment, willpower and maturity to start a business at any age, but starting your first enterprise while still studying is especially hectic.

It’s important to remember that school can help define and influence your side hustle rather than hinder it. If you’re a budding entrepreneur who's still studying, these key steps can help balance your academic and professional careers:


Ask yourself these four questions –

1     Why are you starting a business before graduation?

2     Why do you value staying in school?

3     Can your schoolwork help you build a business?

4     Do you see a future career with your business after graduation?

When answering these questions, clearly define your reasons. Then decide when to sacrifice some study time for your business opportunities. Each situation depends on the urgency of deadlines, but setting priorities can help clear your mind about which goal to focus on at any given moment.

Choose the right courses

Choose a course that benefits your business model and helps you strategise. Pick classes where you can meet expert professors and other like-minded individuals. 

Use the school resources that you can

As part of your tuition, colleges and universities offer several free resources you can use while starting your business. Free Wi-Fi, quiet working spaces and libraries full of books can help you start a business or get more info on the field you’re entering. Plus, you can use your student discount to buy software etc.

Connect with other students

College offers students lots of spare time. While you’re building your side‑hustle, you can connect with fellow classmates and students for recruitment opportunities. 

Create a schedule and checklist

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone! Many students and entrepreneurs benefit from creating a to-do list. If you need to fit in goals each day, make yourself a daily checklist and highlight the most important deadlines. Checklists help you stay focused and optimise specific goals.

Learn to say ‘no’

Knowing your boundaries is an important part of becoming a successful hustler. As you study, be sure to make a routine for your studies and business endeavours. Say no to any that will overextend you. If friends invite you out for drinks and it will put you under pressure, it’s ok to say ‘no’. 

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